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Monday, July 13, 2015

When Freud became older he did not comprehend the human mind to include the behavior directed by the human mind’s,

When Freud was young his Id, Ego, and Super-Ego did not coincide with each other, and they were skewed in every moment of his younger years.

When Freud became older he did not comprehend the human mind to include the behavior directed by the human mind’s response to external stimuli.

John B. Watson did not understand how the human mind reacts to its environment. The glandular changes that occur inside the human mind and sex organs, to include glands and organs of the human beings’ five senses
-- were never fully understood by either Sigmund Freud or John B. Watson, and in fact their scientific physiological and psychological research never influenced all schools of psychology that exist in the current day of 2015.

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